Bree's launch was important to me for a few reasons. First of all, I was very excited for her. In the past I would not have enjoyed myself because I would have felt diminished by the success of others. Although I don't do that as much anymore, this time I was far too thrilled for Bree to worry about my insecurities. Secondly, Bree was a fellow classmate last June at WIFYR and I felt personally connected to her success. It was a unique experience for me. I couldn't have been happier. Thirdly, I've been studying Bree and have been impressed how she leveraged social media and blogging to generate excitement for her book before it was even released. Much to learn there. Lastly, Bree and Brody have taught me how to network at these booklaunch parties. I really would never have thought to attend other people's launch parties to show support and to make connections. It was my turn to show Bree support.
I am relieved to say that I have finished the fourth draft of my early reader. I hope to make last revisions today before emailing it off before February 1st. This was a good milestone to reach. Once I send it off, I am done with revisions on the story unless specifically asked to make them by an editor. I am one of those endless revisers. I must declare the story finished and start sending it out so I can move on to a new story. Otherwise, I'll just keep rewriting the story forever.
I'm also relieved to announce that my article for ADDitude Magazine was approved and will appear in the Summer issue. It was a difficult article to write because it was a summary of four blog articles. I had to provide context AND keep it concise. I'm not sure it's funny at all, however. Perhaps you will let me know this Summer how well I did.
I'd have to declare this week a success. Certainly there was ticking and insomnia and wild, rampant ADHD, but I made progress on my goals despite all of that. My week in review can end on a high note for a change.
And now for the contest. I have a hard cover copy of The Dark Divine signed by Bree Despain, and touched by her almost famous hands. You will want this book, but what shall I ask of you to get it? Log into Disqus below using your Twitter or Facebook ID's, hover your mouse over "Share on" and enable sharing on those services, and then leave a comment about one of these topics:
1) What goals have you made this year already?
2) Have you heard of The Dark Divine before?
3) What is your favorite food.
Good luck! I'll pick a winner next Friday.
(For those previous winners who never received your book last year, would you believe I forgot all about you? You would? Oh, dear. Well, I'll get on it next week. Tweet me a reminder if you haven't heard from me by Tuesday.)
Hold your mouse over the pictures for commentsβ¦